Visit/Opening times

We open our small nursery to visitors from Thursday April 11th 2024. Usually we open for 3 or 4 days per week but at weekends we are usually away at a show, therefore times of opening vary greatly and the table below needs checking weekly!

coach house cacti - visit our nursery

WE ARE USUALLY OPEN FOUR DAYS A WEEK. But life or Shows sometimes prevents this!

Thursday July 25thOPEN: 10am to 4pm
Friday July 26thOPEN: 2 -5 pm
Saturday 27th OPEN: 9am – 12 noon
Sunday July 28thOPEN: by appointment, please ring 07789285661.
Monday July 29thCLOSED: at New Forest Show
Looking forward to meeting new and regular customers. If no answer at the door, I will be elsewhere on the property, please ring 07789285661.

If you are planning to visit us in 2024, we are located in the West Dorset village of Toller Porcorum which is about 2 miles from Maiden Newton just off the A356 Dorchester to Crewkerne road. On entering the village from the Dorchester direction take the first turning on the right (signed “Hooke” on the fingerpost on the left). We are the first house on the left in just under 100 metres.

The Coach House
Kingcombe Road
Toller Porcorum